7th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2017
Aalborg, 15th September, 2017
Theme: Relationship – consultation psychology, therapy, coaching psychology
Relationships – as the theme of the congress – will be explored and presented by leading researchers and practitioners with a multifaceted and complex perspective on relationships. Because the relationship between a patient / client / coachee and the psychologist / consultant / coach plays a critical and significant role for process and results. The presentations explores the similarities and differences between these interventions in practice and theory. How is the quality of the relationship described and how does the alliance build up in therapy, consultation,
supervision and coaching psychology? The one-day congress explores relationships in consultation psychology, coaching psychology and psychotherapy as broad, postmodern relational practice and as the relationship between conscious and unconscious motives as well as processes in and between systems in organizations.
The lecturers presents “major” traditions, they ask critical questions and offer important distinctions and perspectives: Consultation * Therapy * Coaching Psychology * Psychodynamic * Systemic * Narrative * Cognitive * Supervision and the borders.
Congress Sponsored by: Aalborg University, Department of Communication and Psychology, Center for Qualitative Studies, Danish Psychological Society (DP*SEBC) & International Society for Coaching Psychology.
Further information and bookings