ISCP Coaching Psychology Newsletter, February, 2019
Welcome to the ISCP newsletter and update.
In this issue we include details about the new ISCP website, the Health and Wellbeing at Work conference, announce the speakers and masterclass facilitators for the 9th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2019 London event, and a mental health in coaching and coaching psychology survey.
International Society for Coaching Psychology Launches new website
This month the International Society for Coaching Psychology launched its new website on the 21st February, 2019. The URL is
The website homepage is not a static page. It keeps visitors up-to-date with news and events as they are posted. The new website will continue to promote excellence in the theory, research and practice of coaching psychology.
CPD event: Health and Wellbeing at Work 5-6 March, 2019, NEC Birmingham, England.
Conference Stream: Coaching and Coaching Psychology, 5th March
The ISCP is a conference partner for this annual event. This is an ISCP Study Day.
Stream Chair: Professor Stephen Palmer, President, International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP)
8.00 Registration
9.20 Psychological Flexibility and Coaching at Work. Dr Rachael Skews, Lecturer in Occupational Psychology, Institute of Management Studies, Goldsmiths
10.00 Tackling Mental Health Issues Within a Coaching Context. Professor Stephen Palmer, President, International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) and President, International Stress Management Association (ISMA UK)
10.35 Exhibition and Workshop Theatres
11.20 The Use of Coaching as a Disability Adjustment. Dr Nancy Doyle, CEO, Genius Within CIC, British Psychological Society
11.55 Internal Coaching – Making Big Changes. Katherine Chowdry, Career Development and Talent Management Advisor, British Transport Police
12.30 Exhibition and Workshop Theatres
2.10 Enhancing Resilience in Senior Leaders in School Through Coach Training. Dr Annette Fillery-Travis, Head, Wales Institute for Work Based Learning, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
2.45 Coaching at a Creative Institution: How We Build a Coaching Culture That Aligns With the University’s Values and Teaching Ethos. Vilma Nikolaidou, Associate Director Human Resources and Andrea Farrell, Organisational Learning Manager, University of the Arts London
3.20 Exhibition and Workshop Theatres
3.50 The Application of Positive Psychology Coaching Interventions on Workplace Wellbeing and Resilience; a Mini Case Study. Dr Yi-Ling Lai, Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth
4.25 Developmental Coaching: Sustaining and Enhancing the Performance of an Ageing Workforce Through Coaching and Coaching Psychology. Dr Siobhain O’Riordan, Chair, International Society for Coaching Psychology
5.00 Conference Ends
10 October 2018 – 11 October 2018, London, United Kingdom
Sponsored and hosted by the International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP)
This Two-Day Conference offers Masterclasses, Keynote and Invited Speakers, Skills-based Sessions and Poster Presentations.
Location: The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), 8 All Saints Street, London N1 9RL.
Parallel Day 1 Masterclasses by Dr Nancy Doyle and Dr Rachael Skews
Day 2 Conference Speakers & Presenters:
Keynote by Prof Almuth Mcdowall
Speakers include:
Hugh O’Donovan (Eire), Dr Gisele Dias (UK), Dr Alanna O’Broin (UK), Dr Siobhain O’Riordan (UK), Prof Stephen Palmer (UK), and Dr Ole Michael Spaten (DK)
Mental Health in Coaching and Coaching Psychology Practice: Pilot Study
According to the Health and Safety Executive (UK) work-related stress, depression or anxiety continues to represent a significant ill health condition in the workforce of Great Britain, accounting for 44% of work-related ill health and 57% of working days lost, in 2017/18 (HSE, 2018: 9). There were an estimated 44.7 million adults in the United States with a mental illness in 2016. This number represented 18.3% of all U.S. adults (see National Institute of Mental Health, 2017).
Therefore it is likely that coaches and coaching psychologists in their practice will have coachees who may be experiencing mental health problems. This is a pilot study which focuses on how practitioners assist their coachees with mental health problems. It also asks questions relating to your practice, training and supervision.
This survey should take about 10 minutes of your time to complete depending upon whether or not you leave additional comments. There are 20 questions in total including the additional comments or feedback boxes.
The research is being undertaken by the ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research and has been approved by the International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP). Your individual responses will remain confidential and all material published, including any quotes, will be anonymised.
We intend publishing the results of this survey. Your completion of the survey confirms that you agree to us publishing the results and presenting them at events and conferences in the usual manner.
Survey link:
If you have any queries, please contact Professor Stephen Palmer PhD at:
We look forward to seeing ISCP members in Birmingham, UK at the forthcoming Health and Wellbeing at Work in March.
Best wishes
The ISCP Team