ISCP Coaching Psychology Newsletter, January, 2018 
A warm welcome to the ISCP newsletter and update. In this newsletter our main focus is on the next conference and the 8th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2018, London, UK.
Health and Wellbeing at Work 6-7 March, 2018, NEC Birmingham
Stream: Coaching and Coaching Psychology, 6th March
The ISCP is a conference partner for this annual event.
Chair: Professor Stephen Palmer, President, ISCP
Neuroscience of Coaching, Dr Gisele Dias
Tackling Transitions at Work, Dr Siobhain O’Riordan
The Importance of Supervision in Coaching Practice, Eve Turner
Preventing Stress, Burnout and Fatigue in the Coaching and Helping Professions, Prof Palmer
How to Evaluate Coaching Within the Workplace, Dr Alison Carter
Motivational Interviewing in Health and Wellbeing at Work – What’s New? Prof Debbie Cohen OBE
Best Practice in Using Coaching for Conflict Resolution, Andrea Vogel
Deep Dives – How to Coach Managers on Managing Attendance, Dr Noel McElearney
Spirituality, Religion and Coaching, Nardia Foster
Full details:
8th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2018, London. Date: 11-12 October.
The ISCP is organising an ICCP London event. On the 11th October there will be workshops and on 12th October the focus will be on keynotes, papers and posters. Watch this space for further info.
ISCP Journal: Coaching Psychology International
Available at:
European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, sponsored by the ISCP
Latest article: Baker, L., Green, S., & Falecki, D. (2017). Positive early childhood education: Expanding the reach of positive psychology into early childhood. URL: