ISCP Coaching Psychology Newsletter, January, 2019

Happy New Year. A warm welcome to the ISCP newsletter and update. This newsletter includes information about an ISCP Research event, congresses and news about the latest edition of the Handbook of Coaching Psychology.
CPD event: ISCP Cambridge Research Hub Meeting 5 February 2019
Title: How vital is the coaching relationship in influencing coaching process and outcomes?
Dr Alanna O’Broin, PhD
Tuesday 5th February 2019 at 13:30 (GMT)
This Online Meeting is free to attend. Full details on Hub webpage.
If you’d like to join the event to listen to the discussion and have the opportunity to ask Dr Alanna O’Broin, Prof Stephen Palmer or Dr Siobhain O’Riordan questions, please email me to register your interest on Once your booking is confirmed you will be sent further joining instructions to our online Zoom meeting facility, along with links to reading material.
CPD event: Health and Wellbeing at Work 5-6 March, 2019, NEC Birmingham, England.
Conference Stream: Coaching and Coaching Psychology, 5th March
The ISCP is a conference partner for this annual event. This is an ISCP Study Day.
Stream Chair: Professor Stephen Palmer, President, International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP)
8.00 Registration
9.20 Psychological Flexibility and Coaching at Work. Dr Rachael Skews, Lecturer in Occupational Psychology, Institute of Management Studies, Goldsmiths
10.00 Tackling Mental Health Issues Within a Coaching Context. Professor Stephen Palmer, President, International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) and President, International Stress Management Association (ISMAUK)
10.35 Exhibition and Workshop Theatres
11.20 The Use of Coaching as a Disability Adjustment. Dr Nancy Doyle, CEO, Genius Within CIC, British Psychological Society
11.55 Internal Coaching – Making Big Changes. Katherine Chowdry, Career Development and Talent Management Advisor, British Transport Police
12.30 Exhibition and Workshop Theatres
2.10 Enhancing Resilience in Senior Leaders in School Through Coach Training. Dr Annette Fillery-Travis, Head, Wales Institute for Work Based Learning, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
2.45 Coaching at a Creative Institution: How We Build a Coaching Culture That Aligns With the University’s Values and Teaching Ethos. Vilma Nikolaidou, Associate Director Human Resources and Andrea Farrell, Organisational Learning Manager, University of the Arts London
3.20 Exhibition and Workshop Theatres
3.50 The Application of Positive Psychology Coaching Interventions on Workplace Wellbeing and Resilience; a Mini Case Study. Dr Yi-Ling Lai, Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth
4.25 Developmental Coaching: Sustaining and Enhancing the Performance of an Ageing Workforce Through Coaching and Coaching Psychology. Dr Siobhain O’Riordan, Chair, International Society for Coaching Psychology
5.00 Conference Ends
CPD event: Aalborg Congress: 13th September, 2019
9th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2019
Keynote speakers include Professor Dr. Siegfried Greif, Head of Change Management and Coaching from Institute of Business Psychology, Research and Counseling, University of Osnabrueck, Germany; and Professor Stephen Palmer, Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology, Aalborg University and Professor of Practice at the Wales Institute for Work Based Leaning, Wales.
HOST: Department of Communication and Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Aalborg University & International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) & Danish Psychological Society (DP SEBC) & Center for Qualitative Studies, Aalborg University. Details to be confirmed. Watch this space.

CPD event: ISCP London Congress, 10-11th October, 2019
9th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2019
10 October 2018 – 11 October 2018, London, United Kingdom
Sponsored and hosted by the International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP)
This Two-Day Conference offers Masterclasses, Keynote and Invited Speakers, Skills-based Sessions and Poster Presentations.
Location: The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), 8 All Saints Street, London N1 9RL.
Speakers to be confirmed shortly.
Handbook of Coaching Psychology: A Guide for Practitioners 2nd Edition
The second edition of the Handbook of Coaching Psychology: A Guide for Practitioners (Palmer & Whybrow, 2019) was recently published by Routledge. It provides guide to the theory, research and practice of coaching psychology.
In this 43 chapter new and expanded edition, an international selection of leading coaching psychologists outline recent developments from a broad spectrum of areas. The International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) has provided a Foreword for the Handbook, written by the ISCP Chair, Dr Siobhain O’Riordan. It can be read in the book below.
Many ISCP members from around the world have contributed chapters to the Handbook. Further details about the Handbook are available on the Routledge website.