The ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research, Faculty of Climate Change and Coaching Psychology

Research Faculty
Faculty Advisory Board
Dr Alison Whybrow PhD FISCP International Society for Coaching Psychology, UK (In Memoriam)
Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD FISCP Accred International Society for Coaching Psychology & Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Research, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Wales, UK
Prof Stephen Palmer PhD FISCP Accred ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research & Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Research, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Wales, UK
On the 10th December, 2021, the ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research launched The Faculty of Climate Change and Coaching Psychology to bring together experts in the field in order to investigate climate change and how coaching psychology can assist coachees, clients, communities and organisations to face the challenges created by climate change. The Faculty will undertake research, develop a research database and provide CPD activities for practitioners.
The Faculty has its own website.