ISCP Italy Research Hub

ISCP Italy Research Hub   


SCP Italy (Society for Coaching Psychology Italy) nel 2021 compie 10 anni e i tempi sembrano maturi per poter sviluppare un Research Hub ISCP in Italia. Riteniamo importante infatti ancorare, ancor di più, lo sviluppo futuro della Coaching Psychology in Italia all’attività di ricerca, sia in ambito coaching psychology, che nei campi ad essa collegati quali Ecopsicologia, Intelligenza Artificiale, Systems Change, Neuroscienze. Sosteniamo profondamente la Coaching Psychology e desideriamo sviluppare le nostre competenze e capacità, attrarre sempre più professionisti promuovendo la ricerca e lo scambio nel contesto internazionale della Coaching Psychology, favorendo in Italia partnership con altre associazioni professionali di coaching.

SCP Italy Contact:


Having reached our tenth year, SCP Italy (Society for Coaching Psychology Italy) believes it is ready to set up an ISCP Italy Research Hub. Our intention is to furtherly anchor the future development of Coaching Psychology in Italy to research activity, both in coaching psychology and other related fields such as Ecopsychology, AI, Systems Change, Neurosciences. We profoundly believe in Coaching Psychology and desire to develop our capabilities and skills, attract more professionals by promoting research and exchanges within the international network of Coaching Psychology. In doing so we also intend to rely on partnerships with other coaching professional bodies in Italy.

SCP Italy Contact:

Launched on 10th March, 2021.